Yep. That happened.
We just had our second beautiful girl which made it 2 in 12 months and 5 days.
If you’re a keen follower of my blogs or Instagram page you would know we had some challenges conceiving with Arabella and ended up on the IVF journey.
I remember at my 6 week postnatal appointment my obstetrician asked what contraception I would like to go on. Naturally Dan and I were not interested.
We always wanted our children to be close in age and we didn’t know how long it would take for us to conceive again so we opted for no contraception.
Well…..that escalated quickly!!
Within our first month of trying, we fell pregnant with baby Camilla.
A special gift that we wouldn’t change for the world.
Whilst I am so grateful that we were able to conceive without any science behind us, it was a bloody tough year.
I am not one to complain about something that we are so grateful for, but my body has never been in so much pain, some days not being able to put one foot in front of another….literally!
And that was tough when still trying to give 100% of my attention to Arabella.
Whilst the pregnancy was tough I was lucky that the birth was relatively straight forward. I was induced at 37 weeks gestation, had a vaginal birth and before we knew it baby Camilla entered our world.
Pain killers always help, but instantly my back and body felt somewhat back to normal. I could walk without any pain shooting down my leg. I could lift Arabella without wanting to cry and I felt strong again. I mean….certainly not superwoman, but it’s a start.
So now my journey as a mum of 2 begins and I couldn’t be more excited.
Stay tuned for my tips and tricks as a new mummy of 2. 2 girls. My babes.
Chelsea xoxo