I am officially a stay at home mum….of 2!
I wouldn’t have it any other way.
But I do need some tips and tricks to get me through some days.
I have put together a small list of things that we are doing in our home to make our lives a little easier.
Daily Timetable
- I have created a rough timetable for the day to help both Dan and I be prepared. For example, Dan gets up in the morning to get ready for work, he then gets Arabella up, gives her breakfast and dresses her. I then wake up when he leaves for work. The day continues to flow from there.
To do list
- Dan and I have created a combined to do list to support us through each day. It helps Dan if I plan what Arabella will have for breakfast each morning and it helps me to have a list of tasks for the day so I go to bed feeling like I have accomplished something.
What’s in the box?
- I have created 2 ‘what’s in the box’ boxes for Arabella. Some nights I put some different items in the boxes and introduce them to her just before I start a feed with Camilla. I have a little song that I sing to her and make it super exciting so that she remains engaged with what’s inside for the whole feed. I then engage with her whilst I’m feeding so that she doesn’t ever feel neglected or alone.
- Each night before bed I put all the dirty laundry in the washing machine and set the machine on a timer for the morning. When the girls are asleep for their morning nap I hang the washing out.
Food Prep
- whilst this doesn’t happen every day (pending on the situation), I do try and prepare as much as possible for dinner whilst Arabella is having her afternoon nap. This makes the ‘witching’ hour much easier.
Shop online
- we have started doing our food shopping online to reduce having to leave the house for our weekly food shop.
Afternoon Activities
- When Arabella is asleep I will usually try and put together an activity for her to wake up to. These are usually set up outside in our tuff tray. I have found that by doing this, she is more stimulated and engaged. It also provides her and I an opportunity to interact with one another without Arabella feeling like I am always just with Camilla. it is our special time together each afternoon.

Mini Beasts & Nature Play

Fine Motor Development & Colour Recognition

Water Play

Farm Animals Stuck In The Mud
*For more activities & play ideas head over to my Instagram page.
These are a few things we are doing in our home to make our lives easier and to ensure the girls are around a sense of order.
If you have any other tips or tricks please share them with me. I need allllllll the help I can get.
Chelsea xoxo