Yes, we are stuck in lockdown in South Australia but thank goodness for the Olympics.

Daddy loving lockdown!!!!!
At first I thought it was ridiculous that we are fighting to see our family members in the same state and on the other side of the world, yet we are sending our athletes to Japan to compete…..but I am grateful that we did. It has given us something to watch whilst stuck at home. I just pray all the athletes stay safe over there.
So we are using the Olympics to our advantage in our home and creating lots of craft and games relating.
I thought I would share them with you all in case you are searching for activity ideas while you are stuck at home.
You can alter these to suit the age groups of children that you have.
- Set up an obstacle course
- Running races
- Throwing contest
- Olympic rings artwork
- Olympic coloured handprints
Flag recognition
- Learn National Anthems
- Make salt dough medals
Salt Dough. 2 Cups of Flour, 1 Cup of Salt, 1 Cup of water added slowly. Knead together and put in the oven until firm. Paint once dried.
- Hula hoop competitions
- Olympic theme dress up
- Create a medal chart and keep track throughout the games
- Time a race
- Make olympic ring bracelets
- Make different country flags
- Small world play/role play
- Design the 2032 Aussie uniform for Brisbane
- Wear goggles in the bath
- Create Olympic snacks (colour code foods into rings)
- Colour matching game to the ring colours (find items in your home the same colours)
- Make a boat from natural materials and put in the bath or pool
- Plan the closing ceremony and have a party at home
A few ideas to keep you going for the coming week.
And if all else fails….just turn on the TV and take a breather 😉
Chelsea xoxo